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How to Stream an Editing Application to 5th Kind LIVE and Live Rooms
How to Stream an Editing Application to 5th Kind LIVE and Live Rooms
Updated over a week ago

For your editing sessions and over-the-shoulder reviews, you can connect your editor application to LIVE. To stream from Avid, Premiere or After Effects, choose from one of the below options:

FlowCaster + Avid Media Composer

Flowcaster offers a plugin for Avid that enables a direct stream from Avid. Go here for a complete set of instructions from Flowcaster about how to connect the two applications for a better streaming experience.

Flowcaster is currently available only to PC workstations at this time.

Connect FlowCaster to 5th Kind LIVE Rooms

With Flowcaster, you can stream directly into 5th Kind's LIVE Room's streams using WebRTC WHIP protocol. From 5th Kind's LIVE Room, we'll gather the WebRTC WHIP configuration information for each LIVE Room stream. We need 2 data points for each Stream:

  • WebRTC Publishing Token

  • WebRTC Stream Name

Now, configure Flowcaster:

  • Choose "This application" or "Creative Software"

  • Set TransmitType to Whip

  • Set URL using the WebRTC Publishing Token for the LIVE Room and a Stream Name

  • Set Bitrate, TC and additional settings.

Configuring Flowcaster

Set the configuration in Flowcaster's "This Application" if you are using Flowcaster's "Input" tab. Or, "Creative Software"

In LIVE Rooms, at the bottom right, we can find an "information" icon.



This is where we can find the Stream Name and Publishing Token. If the Stream is configured to "Type: RTMP|, it needs to be updated to "Type: WEBRTC".

In the example below, look for the 2nd field at the top of the screen:

WebRTC Publishing Token: 41006772efa5244628501335600e52ce4f08581a88418bce796159cXXXXXXXXX


On windows: double left click on the WebRTC Publishing Token value. You can use the CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste into a text document for example.


The second item that we need to record is the "WebRTC Stream Name". This is the Stream where your feed will show at. In this case it is:

WebRTC Stream Name: 632689061d32b


Now, we can construct the endpoint address that Flowcaster needs to direct the feed to 5th Kind's LIVE Room and to which Stream. Open Flowcaster and open the "Config" tab. Here you can set Flowcaster's application streaming or "Creative Software" if you are using Flowcaster's Plugin for Adobe Premiere, After Effects or Avid for example. The values and options are the same.

Transmit Type: Whip

URL: whip://[WebRTC Stream Name]?auth=[WebRTC Publishing Token]

In the example above, the URL is:


[WebRTC Stream Name] = 632689061d32b

[WebRTC Publishing Token] =


Double check that that the round checkbox is selected for either "This Application" or "Creative Software" depending on your setup.


The panel will have "Creative Software" configuration.

Once you set the "Creative software", it will use the same configuration for Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Avid.


You can reference Drastic Technologies at

Flowcaster's support section:

Additional setttings available:

  • Latency: the lower the value that your system and network can support will make it more responsive.

  • Encryption: None

  • Password: [leave empty]

  • User: [leave empty]

  • Stream #: 0

  • Compression: h.264/AVC1

  • Structure: IPPP

  • Bitrate: this value depends on your system and network resources. It could be 1500 to start testing. And, possibly incread to 4000 for example.

  • Streaming Limits - Receiving Supports HDR Signaling - Unchecked

  • Disable TC and Caption PIDs: optional

  • Audio Mode: Stereo
    ​Play Audio Locally: unchecked - if you want to hear the Stream's audio feed inside 5th Kind's LIVE Room

  • Watermark: blank - 5th Kind can configure the User's watermark strategy and the Stream will be watermarked accordingly.

  • Language: English - or, other if you have installed additional Language Pack for Flowcaster.

  • Burn In TC: 100, 50 - if you would like an overlay TC

  • Update: Check for new version on startup

When Flowcaster is configured with WebRTC protocol to 5thKind's URL and Stream Name Label, you should see that the "Stream is OFF" updates to "Streaming is ON" when you hover over the camera icon on 5th Kind's LIVE Room Stream status indicator on the lower right corner of the panel. In the below example, the Stream is labeled "witness".


And, you should see video momentarily.


If you don't hear audio, look for the speaker icon at the bottom of the screen. And, slide over to the desired volume level.

NDI + Adobe Creative Cloud

You can stream your Premier or After Effects timeline via an OBS + NDI + Adobe Creative Cloud connection. There are some great instructions and resources available. We've found the following resources to be extremely helpful:

Install the NDI Tool Pack on Premiere, AE, or Both

Download the NDI tool pack first.

Once installed, go to your Adobe Premiere or After Effects application:

  1. Go to Preferences (Mac view)

  2. Select Playback


3. Within the Playback section:

  • Check Enable Mercury Transmit

  • Check NDI Output


NDI and your Adobe tools are now connected. Proceed to setting up your NDI to OBS connection.

Install OBS Plugin and Set Your NDI Stream

Now, go to github and install the NDI plugin for OBS -

Once installed, go to OBS.

  1. Select your Scene

  2. Add a new Source

  3. Choose the NDI plugin


4. Select your Adobe platform option.


5. Resize as desired.

OBS Window Capture

Depending on your resources and your computer, a simple way to set up an editing review is to stream a Window Capture via OBS.

  • A Window Capture enables you to select an open and active desktop application like a browser or your editing application.

  • Select that as your stream source and set up your editing application for presentation mode.

How to Stream Your Screen to LIVE Using OBS

Follow these detailed instructions to set up OBS with LIVE: How to Use OBS for My Stream Source: Set up a Live Camera Feed or Stream a File with OBS

In this case, you'll follow the same instructions as the article above, but your Scene Source will be Window Capture.


One note about OBS Window Capture, OBS sometimes has difficulty recognizing open applications that are downsized. In this case, it's best to have your application open on your desktop and set up for the way you want it presented.

  • So, before you open OBS and select from the available windows/applications, have your application open and active on your desktop.

  • If you forget and don't see your application as an option in the Windows dropdown list, close OBS.

  • Then, open the application you want to share onto the desktop and relaunch OBS.

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