Approvals Packages are an easy way to collect feedback from stakeholders. While thumbs up / down packages can be sent to a group, only the sender will see the up/down votes from recipients.
An Approval package has a thumbs up next to it in the inbox:
In the package, you'll see the Approvals panel on your right that shows your votes. Disregard this for now, and open the first file.
To Approve or Reject a File, just click on the Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down icon below the file or in the Approval Panel on the right.
You can then leave a message along with your approval. Click the Update button to save your message.
A Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down icon will appear on the file's thumbnail as well as in the asset viewer once approved or rejected.
Proceed to the next file until you've finished. Then select the Approvals Complete button at the top of the Approvals Panel.
Edit the popup message as you see fit. And Send.