You can manage your user departments from the Admin dashboard. Control what Departments can be assigned to Users when setting up their profiles.
In this article:
From the Admin dash, select Manage Depts under User Management:
Here you'll see a list of your User Departments, the number of Positions associated with each, and the number of users assigned to that Department:
When creating a User's Profile, you must assign them a Department, and a Position within that department. This can then be used for limiting a User's access to other Users. See Manage Roles for more info.
Creating a New Department
Click the "Create Department" button. Enter a name for it, then click the to save it.
Editing an Existing Department
Click the to change the name of the Department, then click the when you're done.
Deleting a Department
Click the X icon of a Department to delete it. If users are assigned to the department, you won't be able to delete it.
Each Department has Positions associated with it. For any Department, click on the number of Positions. This opens the Positions page associated with that Department where you can view and edit them.
Creating a New Position
Click the "Create Position" button.
Enter a name for it.
Click the β to save it.
Editing an Existing Position
Click the to change the name of the Position, then click the when you're done.
Deleting a Position
Click the X icon of a Position to delete it. If users are assigned to the position, you won't be able to delete it.