Add and Update Users with CSV
Updated over a week ago

You can bulk add and edit users in CORE with CSV. The process is straightforward: Fill out our CSV template and then import your saved CSV into CORE.

Create CSV for Importing

First download the CSV template for adding and updating users. See Downloadable Files below. There's also an example CSV with pre-populated information.

Example View:


Zoomed in:


CSV Guidelines - Formatting Your CSV Entries

Not all fields are required to import or update users, and certain fields require specific formatting. Follow the instructions below to complete your CSV.

CSV Field





Add username. This must be unique.

Usernames must be manually created. Follow whatever formatting your IT team or company recommends. If you have none, we suggest using the user's email or just the handle before the @ in a user's email. For example, [email protected] would have username asmith.

Make sure there is no space after the username.



Add user's first name.



Add user's last name.



Add email address.

Make sure there is no space after the email address. User's will fail to import if there is a space after an email address.



Add company name.

The company the user works for.



Add department name.

The department the user works for.



Add user's position / job title.



Add the user role.

The user role must match the name of the user role in the system exactly, including casing, characters, and spacing. Also make sure there is no space after the user role.

If the user role doesn't exactly match the name that's in CORE, the user will fail to import.



Leave blank if not using.

If this is relevant, add the name of the person who requested that this user be added.



Leave blank if not using.

If you want, phone numbers to be available to other users, add the user's mobile number.

Phone numbers are a text field and can follow whatever formatting you prefer.



Leave blank if not using.

If you want phone numbers to be available to other users, add the user's office or primary number.

Phone numbers are a text field and can follow whatever formatting you prefer, including adding extensions.



Leave blank if not using.

If you want to start users on a specific future date, you'll need to include year, month, date, time, and time zone all based on the format below:


  • 2022-05-22 = year-month-date

  • T17:30:00 = hour:minute:seconds; this format uses a 24-hour time notation (military time); the time indicated here is 5:30pm

  • -07:00 = time zone; this format is UTC time; some time zones will use a + instead of a - ; the time zone indicated here is PDT (Pacific Daylight Savings Time)

If you need to understand 24-hour time notation:

If you need a time zone reference, refer to one of these resources:



Leave blank if not using.

If you want to expire users on a specific future date keeping their accounts but making them inactive, you'll need to include year, month, date, time, and time zone all based on the format below:


  • 2022-12-20 = year-month-date

  • T17:30:00 = hour:minute:seconds; this format uses a 24-hour time notation (military time); the time indicated here is 5:30pm

  • -07:00 = time zone; this format is UTC time; some time zones will use a + instead of a - ; the time zone indicated here is PDT (Pacific Daylight Savings Time)

If you need to understand 24-hour time notation:

If you need a time zone reference, refer to one of these resources:



Leave this blank when adding new users, or when not using this field during an update.

You use this field to immediately bulk lock out existing users from their accounts as a security action.

To lock an account, you'll enter 1 in this field

To unlock a locked account, you'll enter 0 in this field.

  • 1=true or is locked

  • 0=false or is NOT locked



Leave blank if not using, or for users where Sensitive isn't relevant.

When you have talent, VIPs, and C-suite users who shouldn't be accessible to anyone but those with given permissions, you can mark these users as Sensitive.

To mark a user as Sensitive, enter 1 in this field.

To remove the Sensitive label from a currently Sensitive user, enter 0 in this field.

  • 1=true or is sensitive

  • 0=false or is NOT sensitive

Import New Users with CSV

1. Once your CSV is created, go to the Users section.

2. If you aren't in the Manage Users tab, select Manage Users at the top.

3. On the right side of the screen, select the green Import from CSV button.

The Create option should be selected by default. If it's not, select it.


4. Hit the Choose CSV File button.


5. Select your CSV.

You'll receive a message that your file is importing and you'll receive an email notification once it's complete.


6. Go to your email for the email notification.

The notification will show the number of successfully imported users, and if there are any failures, it will list how many accounts and which ones they are.


Importing New Users Via CSV That Previously Failed to Import

When you have users who fail to import, you can use the same CSV you used to import new users the first time.


Troubleshoot Import Errors

Go to the CSV and doublecheck the formatting requirements for each of the fields.

  1. Was there any errant spacing after the email or username?

  2. Did your roles match what was in the system?

  3. Did you add start and end date formatting that didn't fit the format? Was there a space after it?

  4. Reference the Create CSV section above for other required parameters.

Go to the users who failed to import and double check your details. Was there a space after a username or email address? Was a start date or end date entered incorrectly.

Make and save your changes.

Re-Import Amended CSV

After updating your document, re-import the CSV.

Follow the same instructions for importing new users, selecting Create in the popup screen. The system will only import the users not currently existing in the system.

Go to your email for the Import Report confirmation email.

The successful confirmation numbers listed will reflect only those users whose information didn’t update during the first import.

If you continue to receive failed errors, contact Support for assistance.

Update / Edit Existing Users with CSV

Bulk update existing users in the system with CSV by making edits to your existing CSV or by creating a new one. The system will identify the existing users by the usernames in the list.

1. Update or create a new user CSV per the instructions in the CSV section above. If you are making a new CSV, the usernames in your list must match an existing user.

2. To import the changes, go to the Users section.

3. If you aren't in the Manage Users tab, select Manage Users at the top.

4. On the right side of the screen, select the green Import from CSV button.

5. Select the Update option in the pop up screen.

6. Hit the Choose CSV File button.

7. Select your CSV.

You'll receive a message that your file is importing and you'll receive an email notification once it's complete.

8. Go to your email for the email notification.

The notification will show the number of successfully updated users, and if there are any failures, it will list how many accounts and which ones they are.


Downloadable Files

Select files to download. Return to Create CSV instructions above.

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