This deployment introduces bug fixes and performance updates.
Performance and Experience Improvements
Cancelled Files:
Cancelled file uploads no longer appear in search results and asset groups, preventing confusion and ensuring data accuracy.
General UI Updates:
Made minor updates to UI across site including disabling unnecessary cursors, enabling use of enter/return key to submit MFA code, fixing missing favorites stars from Inbox, UI messaging updates when sessions expire, etc.
General Performance Updates:
Tag key logic improvements, XML processing improvements, zip download updates, etc.
Share Panel Refresh:
When adding users to site in a different tab, the Recipients field in the Share panel will also refresh so new users can be searched for and added to a package.
Simplified File Access Rules Tab:
Removed admin users from the File Access Rules tab to simplify the display and reduce potential confusion for non-admin users.
Users Page Refresh:
When deleting a user in the left side list, the right profile panel will now update to show no user once user is deleted.
Bug Fixes and Technical Updates
Asset Groups
Improved Asset Group Sorting:
Asset groups now consistently maintain their correct sort order when sorted by name or date.
Asset Group Updates:
Fixed an issue that prevented asset groups from updating correctly when associated with certain types of tags. Asset groups now reliably reflect the latest tag information, ensuring accurate categorization and organization of assets.
Improved Package Asset Group Management
Fixed an issue where deleted asset groups could reappear in duplicated packages.Packages now reliably maintain the correct asset groups after duplication and editing, ensuring accurate content organization.
Resolved Asset Group Downloading in a Package:
Users can now download a single asset group or selection of asset groups in a package without downloading the entire package.
Categorization / Tagging
Template Management Restored:
Restored the ability to delete saved category templates. Users can now manage their tagging templates effectively by deleting those that are no longer needed.
Tagging Update:
Fixed issue that prevented tagging when non-required fields were present in the taxonomy hierarchy.
Improved Production Management:
Resolved issue where deleted productions were still appearing in user accounts. User accounts now accurately reflect the current production list.
Inbox & Sharing
Sent Folder View Restored:
When Viewing As, the Sent Folder should now display packages correctly
Package Sharing Enhancement
Fixed an issue where the "Allow download with watermark" option was sometimes missing when sharing a package. Users can now consistently apply watermarks when sharing packages, ensuring better content protection.
Fixed Password Reset in Email Notifications:
Resolved an issue with broken password reset links in "Files ready to download" email notifications. Users can now easily reset their passwords using the links provided in these emails.
Recipients Field Search Combinations Restored:
Users can use partial names and name combinations to search for users in the Share panel Recipients field.
Hybrik Transcoding Support:
Improved Hybrik transcoding compatibility to support MXF files with ancillary metadata. This enhancement ensures smoother and more reliable processing of a wider range of media files.
PDF Processing Enhancement:
Improved processing for older PDFs showing Failed to Load PDF message.
General Forensic Improvements
General Hybrik Improvements
To support video processing and playback
Playback Update:
When using framestepping to advance or rewind a video, the timecode now properly advances or rewinds with it.
User Count Improvement:
On the Users page user list, total count will reflect correct number when scrolling to the bottom of the list.
Audit Trail Enhancements:
Added additional tracking for user permission updates and changes