How to Best Use Advanced Search
Updated over a week ago

CORE's basic file search is useful when a user is looking for the name of a file, or knows the partial name for a file. For instance, a user may need to ask 'where is the file named something like Shoot Day 45_VTX_Night?' in which case the basic search is perfectly suited for this task.

However, a user might have a more complicated request such as 'where are all of pdf files that were uploaded by John Smith between last Tuesday and this Thursday?' If the user needs to get answer to a question like that, advanced search is a better tool.

In this article:

Access Advanced Search Panel

From the main menu, click the search (magnifying glass) icon on the left bar. Then, in the search panel there is a slider icon. Click that icon.


This will show the Advanced search filters panel. Which will look like this below. The panel has a Search button to conduct the search, and a reset button to clear all the fields selected.


To Search, at least one of these fields must be entered. However, no more than one field is required.

Fields of the Advanced Search Panel

The fields to filter a search are self explanatory with a few caveats. For a complete detailed explanation, see File Search Overview article.

The Has the Words and Doesn't Have fields does not limit itself to file name. It will also search file meta data as in this example below. The word 'car' was searched, and it matched 'car' in file meta data even though 'car' is not in the file name.


The File ID field is the file's Unique identifier in CORE. It can be found on any file in the file information panel.


The Dates fields refer to when the asset was uploaded.

The Status fields refer to the optional status tags that can be attached to any file.


Common Use Case Examples

These are examples of search requests that a user or admin might need, and how they can be found with advanced search.

Example: Where did the Files Go?

"Where did John Smith upload and categorize those files? He says he uploaded them between the 7th and the 16th, but know one knows where they are."


Example: Legal Status

"Has the Bionic Bunny legal team finished their approvals? What image files haven't they reviewed yet?"


Example: Zoos, but not Zookeepers

"Jane uploaded lectures about zoos, right? We need specifically the lectures about the zoos, but not the zoo keeper lectures."

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