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How do I login on the Mobile / iPad app?
How do I login on the Mobile / iPad app?

First time users, setup your account, and login.

Updated over a week ago

In this article:

Logging in on your Mobile or iPad App

Accept Email invitation

To set up your login to the iOS app, you'll first need to setup your account on your computer desktop browser or tablet web browser.

  1. On your preferred device, go to your email.

  2. Select the link on your email invitation.

  3. You'll be redirected to CORE on the web. Setup your password.

Google Authenticator - if required

If required to setup MFA, you'll need to use the Google Authenticator app.

  1. If you don't already have Google Authenticator, download and connect the Google Authenticator app.

  2. For complete instructions on how to set up the app for login, see Login with MFA - Video Walkthrough + Written Instructions.

Complete Login on Web

  1. Complete logging in.

  2. Accept the Terms & Conditions.

  3. Logout and set up your mobile app.

Download CORE App to Mobile Device

Once you've setup your password in the web browser, you can login to the mobile app.

In the App Store, download the 5th Kind CORE v6 app.

Client Code

In the app, you will also need to have your Client Code to login. The Client Code is usually the name of the studio or client associated with your account. If you were not provided with a Client Code, please reach out to your site administrator or the sender of your package.

Once you've input the Client Code, you will not have to enter it again, because the app will remember it for you.

App Login

Enter the client code, your username, and password.

Opt-in for biometrics (Face ID) or a PIN as you prefer.

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