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Create Users Via Package Shares: How to Share Packages With Users Outside of Core
Create Users Via Package Shares: How to Share Packages With Users Outside of Core

Share files with users outside of Core by sending to their email. Recipients will be added to Core when they access the package.

Updated over 7 months ago

Core allows approved users to share a package directly to an external email address. In other words, the recipient does not have to have a user account prior to sharing packages with them (aka they don't need to be a pre-authenticated Core user). You can share to any public email address.

In this article:

Advantages of Creating New Users via Package Share

When a new user is added this way, a new user account is created in Core. The new user is assigned a limited, Inbox-only role, and they must complete signup in Core to view the shared content.

  • For the package recipient, it's a few more steps than a public link, but this eliminates the need to pre-setup users via admin accounts just to get files shared out to someone.

  • It also guarantees the user's activity can be tracked in your system, and they'll receive the same watermarks and permissions applied to everyone else in Core.

  • With the user in Core, they can later be moved to a configured role, or managed and expired like any other Core user.

  • Since trusted approved users will be granted rights to share, admins will be in coordination with them to monitor your active user numbers. And since all users added this way default to a specific "Add Via Email" role, you can easily track how many people are being added.

Create New Users Via Package Share

As an admin user or a user with permission to add users during a package share, start in the Package Share panel:

  1. First choose your Package Type. Beware that changing your package type mid-process can sometimes clear out your work.

  2. Then, type or copy and paste an individual email address into the Recipients field.

  3. The system will recognize whether or not the user is in the system. If user doesn't exist, the dropdown menu will show the Add New User icon.

  4. Doublecheck that the email has been typed or pasted correctly without spelling errors or missing the "m" at the end of .com, etc.

  5. Make your changes to your settings and download preferences.

  6. Doublecheck the settings below your message.

  7. Click Share.


When you add new users in the recipient list, it is easy to see who is a new user and who is an existing user.


Invited New User Activation Process

Invited User Email Notification

A invited Core package user will receive an email notification alerting them of their invitation to sign up and open a package in Core. Selecting the link provided in the notification will take them to Core.

  • Subject line will be You’re invited to view the [company name] Package: [blank] on Core from [sender user's name]

  • Sender name: User who share the package with you

  • Package: name of the package shared

  • Account Setup Button: Redirects the users to the login access package

Content Access for Invited Package Users

The email link to the package will direct the invited user to an Account Setup page where they can add their basic company information along with the standard username and password requirements.

  1. Email: It will set by default to the email on which the package was received. It cannot be modified.

  2. First Name: Add First Name. This is a required field.

  3. Last Name: Add Last Name. This is a required field.

  4. Username: Username could be anything. This is a required field.

  5. Password: Enter a password that complies with CORE security requirements.

    • Your password must be at least 8 characters long and include 1 upper case, 1 lower case, and 1 special character ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+

  6. Reenter Password: Type the password again. Once Password is entered the page will show how strong the password is and whether it meets all the requirements or not

  7. Create the user: Selecting the button will take the user to login page.

Invited User Login

Once the invited user has setup the account, they are redirected to login page and need to enter their credentials to enter into the system. However, if MFA is enabled on the role, they will need to complete the Authenticator app setup. For more detailed instructions, see Login with MFA.

Default New User Settings

When the invited new user completes signing up and logging in, they are defaulted into the Add via Email role with the following settings:

  • Inbox-only, View-only access

  • Redirects to Inbox on login; however, users could have access to the Package Dashboard, if the Dashboard is enabled on the client company's CORE

  • No uploading permissions

  • Standard watermark is in place across file types

  • Inactive Logout Time is set for 15 minutes, unless overridden by client environment configurations or Admin changes to the role

FAQs & Troubleshooting

I'm trying to add a new user, but the system isn't recognizing the email and not showing me the +New User icon.

There are a couple possibilities here:

  1. You don't have permission to add new users. If you think you do or think you should, contact your system administrator.

  2. You have permissions to add a new user, but this user already exists in the system and you don't have permission to share with them. In this case, contact your system administrator about gaining access to the user in question.

What's the user role called for users added during a package share?

The user role is called Add Via Email.

What's the permission setting to add users this way?

Admins and Role Managers should select "Create User by Email" located on the User Role - Role Info tab under the User permissions.


I've never used Core and I received an email from Core. Why?

A user has send the package/file/screener to you to view it as it is intended for you only.

What should I do with it?

Accept the package by logging in per the setup instructions. Select link in the email body. It will redirect you to Core when you can enter your desired credentials and access the content.

What do I do after logging in?

Once you’ve entered a username and password, you will be redirected to view the content and any message from the sender.

How do I login to Core again or if I get another invite?

Go to the client link in any new email notification. If you've already setup an account, simply login and you'll be redirected to the files or message you've been sent.

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