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Core 7.2 Release Guide

5th Kind Core is now just Core

Updated over 6 months ago

Welcome to the 7.2 Core upgrades. 7.2 introduces three main updates: Core rebranding, login enhancements on Web and Apple TV, and end-to-end updates for managing users added to Core on a package share.

In this Article

A Fresher, Simpler Core

5th Kind Core is now just Core. The drive toward simplifying and improving the Core UX experience starts at its brand foundation with more UX improvements on the horizon.

Core Web Application

You’ll see the new Core logo and iconography throughout the web application.

Email notifications have also been redesigned for ease of use and to reflect the rebranding. For your IT teams, please note that the [email protected] email has changed to [email protected].

Core on Apple TV

The latest version of the Core Apple TV App is being released under Sohonet in the iOS App Store.

Now you’ll search for Core Sohonet. Sohonet Core, or Core by Sohonet. Download this new version, which will include the login updates mentioned below. This is also the version that will be supported moving forward.

About the Core Mobile App

No rebranding or login updates have been made to the current version of the Core mobile app. There is one last update forthcoming that will provide login fixes to Face ID, will improve playback and offline playback, as well as will address some bug fixes. This mobile app will remain under the 5th Kind Core branding in the iOS App Store.

A new mobile app is in the works, which will include the rebranding and login updates, as well as a new user experience. It will be searchable in the iOS App Store under Core Sohonet or Core by Sohonet. We’ll keep you posted on this one!

Login Improvements

With the rebranding the Core “front door” has a new look, but it’s still your basic login experience.

Basic Login Page

Login Page with Hybrid SSO

Login with MFA

The MFA setup workflow has been improved for clarity, and any authenticator app that supports 6-digit codes can be used.

Setup your MFA Login on Core.

Login Verification During Account Setup

Email verification has been added as an additional security feature during account setup. This is a configurable feature, and must be requested by clients for it to be turned on your site. When enabled, new users receive an email notification that they must verify confirming their account.

See our First Time User Login Guide for details about the account setup workflow on Core.

Login Improvements on the Apple TV

The Core Apple TV App login has been improved for security and ease of use, including login options that cater to a user’s preference. For details on the setup of the latest Core Apple TV App, go to our Core Apple TV App Guide.

End-to-End Improvements for Adding Users to Core via Email

The experience has been improved for sender’s inviting users to Core, as well as for Admins who must manage those users once added.

For package senders inviting users to Core

Now, when adding users to Core on a package share, the Recipient’s field will more easily parse a new email address versus an existing users.

  1. Entering users as you type

  2. Separating users by commas

  3. Pasting a mixed group of users into the Recipients field

All of these will be accepted when the user hits Return or Enter.

For recipients of a Core package invite

Two improvements have been made for the invited users.

  1. The email notification more clearly outlines who the package is from and what it’s about.

  2. The login experience is fast, simple, and redirects the user immediately to the package contents.

For Core Admins managing user roles and users

When users are added to Core via a package share, they default into the “Added Via Email” role and can be tracked in the Members tab.

Now users are defaulted to a Pending status with just their email listed until they accept their invitation.

Users who accept their package invite, default into an Active user and become searchable within the database. Admins can also manage and move these users to other roles as desired.

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